Monday, 20 September 2010

Paul Gustave Doré - High on a throne of a royal state, which far

Paul Gustave Doré - High on a throne of a royal state, which far
Virgin's Cunt - Dark Aureoles Gathering

Unlegacy - A Great Epitaph of the Creation
Tagraht - Demonic Incarnate (Promo 2000)
Infernum - The Curse
Hellish (Pol) - The Second War in Heaven
Helkagor - Angelus Daemoniacus
Emperor - Scattered Ashes - A Decade of Emperial Wrath

Psypheria - Gothic Disturbance
Angelus Infernus - The Reign of Angels Ablaze
Crimson Massacre - The Gathering
Reign of Erebus - Into the Darkness of Pandemonium
Asphyx (Nld) - Depths of Eternity
Imp (Mex) - Omen (Mys) split
 Unholier - Revelations of She'Ohl

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