Eric David Harris (April 9, 1981 – April 20, 1999) and Dylan Bennet Klebold (September 11, 1981 – April 20, 1999) were American high school seniors who committed the Columbine High School massacre. They killed 13 people, including teacher Dave Sanders, and injured 24 others, three of whom were injured as they escaped the attack. The two then committed suicide in the library, where they had killed at least 10 of their victims.
Pvtǽnfediãvl - Rehearsal 2010
Cold Blank Stare - Humanity Will Come Undone
Judaswiege - Aus Spaß, weil es Spaß macht
R.I.P to them and their victims.
ReplyDeleteDemons do not need a "RIP". They returned to Hell.
ReplyDeleteFuck off I'm there biggest fans
Deletei dont beleive in heaven.. but if there is one, i hope they're up there. R.I.P to them and to all of their victims. no one deserves to die.
ReplyDeleteThey deserve it. Monsters to kill
ReplyDeleteThe only reason Dylan and Eric did this was because people picked on them. They were bullied. I'm sure you were bullied when you were little too, you know what it feels like. No one needed to kill, but it doesn't give you the right to say such things. R.I.P. Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold and there victims, may you rest forever.
DeleteOh , B.S. . The bullies they supposedly hated had already graduated. It took almost 2 years to plan and in their plans hate and out doing Tim McVeigh was the constant theme. The hit list was a rumor but it was proven they shot randomly . They even stated they would kill their own friends if they were in the way. In the end they killed 13 people and they only knew 2 , Dylan even liked Rachel. Get your facts straight and stop acting as if they had no other options. They were fixing to graduate and were both already suicidal from other issues.
DeleteAbove them is not mocked. Watch a video on YouTube. They behave in a quiet dining room, but the build of a Rambo. They have absolutely crazy eyes!
ReplyDeleteMay the innocent victims : Rachel,Danny,Kyle,Steven,Cassie,Kelly,Lauren,Daniel,John,Corey ,Isaiah,Matt and Coach Dave always rest in peace. Eric and Dylan may you rot in hell for killing those who never harmed you . And may the world know Dylan was no forced victim. He planned the massacre a year before Eric. Thanks to dip Dave Cullen the ignirant thank Dylan was some innocent sad sack. Nope , hateful bully.
ReplyDeleteWhy put these pictures on an album cover? They trying to be edgy? It's just pathetic.
ReplyDeleteBurn in hell killers, stupid women cunts who love assassins should die too, whores
ReplyDeleteStupid myth of them being bullied, they wanted a massive bombing, a massive death toll
With the amount of evidence and journal entries (Eric) people still believe they did what they did because of bullying lol, get facts straight, they mocked School shootings like Paducah at that time, they expressed their thoughts in their journal
ReplyDeleteStupid cunts who loves serial killers
not a surprise Anders Breivik receives love letters
Anders Behring Breivik is a hero!
ReplyDeleteThese two were pathetic.
ReplyDeleteSaying to RIP to these boys will be absolutely useless. The moment they committed suicide, they sealed their fate. They are in the pits of hell eternally separated from Lord God Jesus Christ. They are not in good place. Why because they broke the commandment "Thou shalt not kill". That commandment not only involve other people but as well as yourself. Once you commit suicide you cannot be forgiven for your sin because you are already dead. Hebrews 9:27 "After death then comes judgement." Not repentance! In fact they were better of thrown in jail and might have repented for wrongdoings while in jail than killing themselves. I feel sorry for their souls!=(
ReplyDeleteHaven't you heard the good news? When you die, you die. That's it. Nothing more. No Heaven or Hell.